不吃豬的十大理由 Top 10 Reasons Not to Eat Chickens

1. 您會變胖
"火腿,培根會直接變成您屁股的脂肪". 這是一個事實-這些飽含能阻塞大動脈的膽固醇與過飽和脂肪酸的豬肉製品可是增加您的腰圍尺寸的好東西,也大大增加了食用者罹患致命性疾病的機率,如心臟病,糖尿病,關節炎,骨質疏鬆症,哮喘, 甚至陽痿. 研究顯示, 素食主義者得到心臟病的機會比平常人少了百分之五十, 得到癌症的機會更是少了百分之四十. 平常人變得過度肥胖的機率竟比素食主義者高了九倍. 另外, 吃動物製品就等於是在吃細菌, 抗生素, 戴奧辛, 荷爾蒙, 和一大堆各式各樣的有毒物質,這些毒物可是會在您的身體裡慢慢積累並殘留許多年的.
2. 豬也會痛苦
百分之九十七的豬是在工廠化養殖場中長大的. 在那裡他們終其一生被囚禁在小格子中. 自由地伸展身軀, 在草地上散步,曬太陽,呼吸新鮮空氣或者任何一樣出於他們天性的活動對他們來說都只能是奢望。哪裡也不能去, 什麼都不能做. 他們持續地被餵食藥物而不自然地快速成長著, 雙腳因為負擔不起異常快速增加的體重而殘廢.
看看肉豬們在美國的奧克拉荷馬, 北卡羅來納, 內布拉斯加, 和南達科他等州是怎樣生活的.
3. 豬比貓狗更聰明
你確定你能在玩遊樂器時打敗一隻豬嗎? 結果也許會讓您十分驚訝. 研究顯示, 豬不但比狗聰明許多, 甚至在玩電視遊樂器時的表現得比許多靈長類都要來得好. 事實上, 豬是具有極高智慧的動物, 有著複雜的社交生活與極強的記憶力. 吃豬跟吃你聰明的狗其實本質上並沒有區別. 在知道豬的智力相當於三歲的小孩之後, 影星卡麥戎迪亞說: 吃豬肉就好像吃我的小侄子一樣.
4. 豬很愛乾淨, 他們喜歡的是泥漿, 不是污垢
豬其實是非常愛乾淨的動物. 如果有足夠的生活空間, 您會注意到豬隻們小心翼翼地保持他們睡覺和吃東西的區域的整潔. " 像豬一樣滿身大汗"這句諺語根本大錯特錯. 事實上豬根本就不會流汗, 所以他們才會藉著泡在泥濘或是冷水中來降低體溫. 在工廠式養殖場中, 豬隻們被迫和排泄物, 嘔吐物甚至同伴的屍體生活在一起. 如此惡劣的環境使得超過四分之一的豬隻們都為癬病所苦. 請試著想像若是您將與身上的癬共渡一生, 那將會是多麼的痛苦?
5. 地獄般的養殖場
對於豬和他們的孩子們真正是個地獄. 母豬們大半輩子的時間都得在連轉身或者舒舒服服躺下的空間都沒有的狹小妊娠畜欄裡渡過. 在被屠宰之前不停地被迫懷孕生子. 小豬們在出生後短短的幾個星期就被從他們那痛苦地快要發瘋的母親身邊帶走. 然後被閹割, 剪去牙齒以及尾巴, 過程中完全沒有任何止痛與麻醉劑.
6. 豬糞在風中飄
一個有著五千隻豬的養殖場竟然排放出相當於一個五萬人的城市的排泄物量. 西元1995年, 兩千五百萬噸的豬隻排泄物被傾倒在北卡羅來納河, 立即造成了一千至一千四百萬的魚隻死亡. 為了符合污物排放的相關規定, 養殖場因此經常把腐敗的豬糞尿儲存到化糞池中,然後將液化了的糞尿噴灑於空氣裡. 這些肥料薄霧隨著風四處飛散, 並被許多附近居民吸入.
7. 充滿了細菌的培根和有害健康的火腿
髒亂, 擁擠和通風不良的養殖場環境使得疾病在豬隻們間大肆流行, 百分之七十的豬隻在被送至屠宰場之前都患有肺炎. 他們還得持續地食用大量抗生素才能在這種惡劣的環境裡存活並非自然地快速成長. 抗生素濫用最終造成了“超級細菌 (或稱抗藥細菌)"的出現。記住, 您吃下的漢堡,火腿和培根可能使醫生為你開出的藥方完全無效.
8. 車輪上的地獄
每年有超過十七萬豬隻在運輸途中死亡,還有四萬兩千隻在到達屠宰場之前便癱瘓了。運輸卡車在數百英里, 可能經歷各類惡劣氣候的旅程中不提供豬隻們任何水,食物和醫療照顧. 那些飽受驚嚇的和受傷的豬隻們常常只能在痛苦中掙扎並漸漸衰弱. 而運輸人員只會不停地翻轉貨艙, 並把受傷和瀕死的豬隻扔在路邊任其流血不止而亡。美國史密斯農場的負責人Jerry Hostetter告訴記者“我不願意承認,不過這樣的事情確實每天都在發生.”
9. 殘忍的屠宰方式
一個典型的屠宰場每個小時殺死一千一百隻以上的豬. 這種快速屠宰方式注定了豬隻們是不可能得到人道, 無痛的死亡的. 美國農業部的一個調查報告紀錄了14起號稱"人道"屠宰場中的違法行為. 調查者指證, 常常有豬隻在被電擊之後仍然能走路以及繼續驚恐地嚎叫. 就是因為這樣不適當的麻醉方法以及高速的流水屠宰作業方式, 經常有豬在被扔到煮沸的脫毛池中時仍然是有意識的. 實實在在地說, 他們是在沸水中被燙死或是淹死的.
10. 為了動物也為了您自己
為了在地獄般的環境中掙扎的豬隻們, 也為您自己越來越糟的健康狀態, 試試美味又健康的素豬肉吧! 用Yves的素火腿片(veggie ham slices)來做一個大大的三明治, 或是在熱煎鍋裡丟一片Lightlife的素培根(Smart Bacon), 美味又健康. 在您常常造訪的超市中的健康與冷凍食品區也一定可以找到其他一樣美味又健康的肉類替代品.
(這最後一項是給住美國的朋友的. 台灣的朋友要買到素肉當然更是簡單啦. 台灣的素食者真是世界上最幸福的了. 不只是超市, 市場裡也隨處買得到美味的素肉, 美味的素食餐廳更是比比皆是. 試試看, 循序漸進的在飲食中增加素食食品. 給自己, 給地球, 也給動物們一個機會!)
Top 10 Reasons Not to Eat Pigs

Attention, shoppers: Stop picking up dead “Babes” and “Wilburs” at the grocery store! Here are our top 10 reasons to keep pork off your fork and put delicious Babe-free alternatives on your shopping list instead.
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Porking You Up
It’s a fact—ham, sausage, and bacon strips will go right to your hips. Eating pork products, which are loaded with artery-clogging cholesterol and saturated fat, is a good way to increase your waistline and increase your chances of developing deadly diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, asthma, and impotence. Research has shown that vegetarians are 50 percent less likely to develop heart disease, and they have 40 percent of the cancer rate of meat-eaters. Plus, meat-eaters are nine times more likely to be obese than pure vegetarians are. Every time you eat animal products, you’re also ingesting bacteria, antibiotics, dioxins, hormones, and a host of other toxins that can accumulate in your body and remain there for years. Learn more about animal products and your health.
Pigs Have Feelings Too
Ninety-seven percent of pigs in the United States today are raised in factory farms, where they will never run across sprawling pastures, bask in the sun, breathe fresh air, or do anything else that comes naturally to them. Crowded into warehouses with nothing to do and nowhere to go, they are kept on a steady diet of drugs to keep them alive and make them grow faster, but the drugs cause many of the animals to become crippled under their own bulk. Learn more about cruelty to pigs. Check out these videos from pig farms in Oklahoma, North Carolina, Nebraska, and South Dakota.
Pigs and Playstations
Think that you can outplay a pig on your Playstation? You may be surprised. According to research, pigs are much smarter than dogs, and they even do better at video games than some primates. In fact, pigs are extremely clever animals who form complex social networks and have excellent memories. Eating a pig is like eating your dog! As actor Cameron Diaz put it after hearing that pigs have the mental capacities of a 3-year-old human: "[Eating bacon is] like eating my niece!" Learn more about pigs.
Pigs Prefer Mud, Not Crud
Pigs are actually very clean animals. If they are given sufficient space, pigs are careful not to soil the areas where they sleep or eat. And forget the silly saying “sweating like a pig”—pigs can’t even sweat! That’s why they bathe in water or mud to cool off. But in factory farms, they’re forced to live in their own feces and vomit and even amid the corpses of other pigs. Conditions are so filthy that at any given time, more than one-quarter of pigs suffer from mange—think of your worst case of poison ivy, and imagine having to suffer from it for the rest of your life. Learn more about what happens to pigs in factory farms. Check out the mange-ridden pigs on these South Dakota and Nebraska pig farms.
Farming Family Values
Factory farms are pure hell for pigs and their babies. Mother pigs spend most of their lives in tiny “gestation” crates, which are so small that the animals are unable to turn around or even lie down comfortably. They are repeatedly impregnated until they are slaughtered. Piglets, who are taken away from their distraught mothers after just a few weeks, have their tails chopped off, their teeth are clipped off with pliers, and the males are castrated—all without painkillers. Learn more about cruelty to pigs.
The Manure Is Blowing in the Wind …
A pig farm with 5,000 animals produces as much fecal waste as a city of 50,000 people. In 1995, 25 million gallons of putrid hog urine and feces spilled into a North Carolina river, immediately killing between 10 and 14 million fish. To get around water pollution limits, factory farms will frequently take the tons of urine and feces that are stored in cesspools and turn them into liquid waste that they spray into the air. This manure-filled mist is carried away by the wind and inhaled by the people who live nearby. Learn more about how factory farming damages the environment.
Bacteria-Laden Bacon and Harmful Ham
Extremely crowded conditions, poor ventilation, and filth in factory farms cause such rampant disease in pigs that 70 percent of them have pneumonia by the time they’re sent to the slaughterhouse. In order to keep pigs alive in conditions that would otherwise kill them and to promote unnaturally fast growth, the industry keeps pigs on a steady diet of the antibiotics that we depend on to treat human illnesses. This overuse of antibiotics has led to the development of “superbacteria,” or antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains. The ham, bacon, and sausage that you’re eating may make the drugs that your doctor prescribes the next time you get sick completely ineffective. Learn more about the effect of eating meat from sick, diseased, and drugged animals.
Hell on Wheels
More than 170,000 pigs die in transport each year, and more than 420,000 are crippled by the time they arrive at the slaughterhouse. Transport trucks, which carry pigs hundreds of miles through all weather extremes with no food or water, regularly flip over, throwing injured and dying animals onto the road. These terrified and injured animals are rarely offered veterinary care, and most languish in pain for hours; some even bleed to death on the side of the road. After an accident in April 2005, Smithfield spokesperson Jerry Hostetter told one reporter, “I hate to admit it, but it happens all the time.” Learn more about cruelty to pigs during transport.
Killing Them Without Kindness
A typical slaughterhouse kills up to 1,100 pigs every hour, which makes it impossible for them to be given humane, painless deaths. The U.S. Department of Agriculture documented 14 humane slaughter violations at one processing plant, where inspectors found hogs who “were walking and squealing after being stunned [with a stun gun] as many as four times.” Because of improper stunning methods and extremely fast line speeds, many pigs are still alive when they are dumped into scalding-hot hair-removal tanks—they literally drown in scalding-hot water. Learn more about what happens to pigs at slaughter.
Ditch the Bacon and Get Fakin’
Save pigs from hell and yourself from bad health by feasting on faux pork products instead. Stuff a sandwich full of Yves brand veggie ham slices, or throw some Lightlife Smart Bacon into a sizzling skillet—the freezer and “health food” sections of your local grocery or health food stores are packed full of these and other tasty substitutes.
Think before you eat another sausage link—order a free vegetarian starter kit full of delicious recipes and celebrity features today!