原文/PETA: http://www.goveg.com/f-top10cows.asp
(可能有人會覺得我怎麼會貼乳牛, 其實百分隻八十以上的牛肉都是乳牛業的副產品啦!
剛出生就唉嚎著被迫離開母親, 因為要維持肉質白只能吃沒營養的流質食品, 然後活三四個月就被宰的小公牛...
食用飽含會導致動脈阻塞的膽固醇與飽和脂肪酸的牛肉產品, 不但會讓您體重增加, 還會提高您得到致命性心血管疾病的機率. 如心臟病, 糖尿病,關節炎,骨質疏鬆症,哮喘, 甚至陽痿. 研究顯示, 素食主義者得到心臟病的機會比平常人少了百分之五十, 得到癌症的機會更是 少了百分之四十. 平常人變得過度肥胖的機率竟比素食主義者高了九倍. 另外, 吃動物製品就等於是在吃細菌, 抗生素, 戴奧辛, 荷爾 蒙, 和一大堆各式各樣的有毒物質,這些毒物可是會在您的身體裡慢慢積累並殘留許多年的.
牛是和善而且具社交性的動物. 每隻牛都能夠辨認一百隻以上其他的牛, 並與同伴構成各種友誼般的親密關係. 研究顯示牛會因為牠們親友 的死亡而悲傷.
著名導演克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)在最近發表言論聲明"我試著遵守嚴格素食的飲食, 食用大量的水果蔬菜與豆類製 品." 哈沃德-萊曼(Howard Lyman), 這位牧場的第四代繼承人, 在知道工廠化養殖的殘酷以後現在已經是一個嚴格素食主義者, 並且正在全美各地推廣素食主義. 其他拒絕吃肉的男子漢們包括了:饒舌音樂傳奇人物 Andre 3000 和摩斯戴夫(Mos Def), 蜘蛛 俠演員陶比麥奎爾(Tobey Maguire), 喬昆菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix), 足球巨星瑞奇威廉斯(NFL superstar Ricky Williams), 七次奧林匹克短跑金牌得主卡爾劉易斯Carl Lewis (Olympian Carl Lewis), 演員李澳納多狄 卡皮歐, 布萊得彼特等等.
為了要讓牛隻們能以非自然地速度快速長大, 養殖場每天餵食牠們大量的荷爾蒙藥物. 雖然許多食物中本來就含有微量的荷爾蒙, 這樣大量 地攝入人造荷爾蒙極可能會造成食用牛肉者的健康問題. 洛杉磯時報(The Los Angeles Times)報導了一個不為人知的肉品調查報 告, 在成長過程中服食荷爾蒙的牛隻們的肉中, 發現了高含量的雌二醇(estradiol), 一種強烈致癌與具有基因毒性的雌激素. 根據 這篇報導, "漢堡肉片中的雌二醇(estradiol)的含量可以導致一個天天吃兩份漢堡的八歲孩童得癌症的機率多百分之十.
牛隻們所遭受的虐待如果發生在狗與貓上, 百分之百會被判與虐待動物的重刑. 牠們的角被切去, 公牛們被割去睪丸, 在被烙印時得承受 三級灼傷的痛苦. 這些還都是在沒有任何麻醉下進行的. 牠們被注射荷爾蒙, 然後在過度擁擠與骯髒的餵食欄裡被囚禁長達數月以後. 在 沒有水與食物的艱難長途旅程中被運送到屠宰場, 倒吊在鐵桿上割喉而死. 因為快速的流水線作業方式, 許多牛隻們都是在有知覺的情況下 承受這些酷刑的.
種植穀物來餵食牲畜其實是非常沒有經濟效益的, 這些拿來當飼料的穀物中只有極小一部分可以轉化成人食用的肉. 其中極大一部分都是拿 來讓牲畜生存與成長的. 極具聲望的組織 Worldwatch 聲明, "在這個六個人中就有一個人吃不飽的世界, 漸增的肉品消耗量實在惹 人爭議. 畜牧業是一種極不經濟的使用穀物的方式 -- 事實上最經濟的消費穀物的方法, 就是直接食用穀物. 肉類與畜牧工業直接影響著 各國間穀物的交易, 造成了富裕國家的人民拿大量糧食來養牲畜食用, 而窮國人民連穀物都沒得吃而餓死的現象"
在美國每年有數以百萬計的牛隻被屠宰. 少數幾隻成功逃脫的則施展了令人驚奇的技藝. 一頭名為艾蜜莉的母牛逃出麻州的屠宰場, 越過五 呎高的柵門, 並且於寒冬時節, 在新英格蘭的樹林裡存活了好幾週直至被救出. 一頭名為壽司的懷孕母牛在被裝入貨車時轉身逃跑, 跳入 河裡並游到對岸. 她巧妙的躲避了人們的追捕, 最後被PETA救出並送到動物庇護所. 一頭名為茉莉, 來自蒙大拿州的母牛最近一路逃亡 直到橫越了密蘇里河才被人抓到. 這三隻牛使當地的人們深受感動並願意讓牠們在動物庇護所安渡餘生. 然而每年數以百萬計被肉品業者屠 宰的無名牛隻們, 卻沒有這樣的好運.
骯髒的空氣, 有毒的水
養殖場製造出來令人難以置信的大量排泄物污染了水和空氣. 貯存在像小湖一般大的水池裡的糞肥滲入附近的溪流, 殺死河裡的生物並破壞 水質. 這些糞便也會釋出有害的化學物質以及微生物, 污染空氣. 有許多的研究和政府報告顯示, 住在養殖場附近的人們發生流產, 罹患 呼吸道疾病或神經系統疾病的比率較高.
狂牛病已經在美國出現, 但是美國政府並未遵循世界衛生組織關於防止疫情擴散的建議. 日本和所有的歐洲國家都已經禁止畜牧業餵食動物 性蛋白質. 然而, 這樣的做法在美國卻依然盛行. 簡直就像在乞求"狂雞病", "狂豬病", 或是其他狂牛病的變種趕快出現一樣. 狂牛 病在人類身上的潛伏期有許多年, 因此目前沒有辦法知道世界上有多少人已經被感染. 相當神奇地, 美國政府仍然拒絕認真的看待這個問題 . 在2005年之中, 美國農業部只對少於1%的牛隻做了狂牛病的檢測. 令人難以置信地, 即使在2006年發現了第三起狂牛病病例, 美 國農業部仍然宣布將要縮減狂牛病檢測的規模.
在素食主義漸漸抬頭的現代, 別讓牛或是其他動物們因為您而遭受各種殘酷對待, 其實是非常簡單的. 您可以在漢堡王, Johnny Rockets, and Ruby Tuesday買到美味的素肉片作成的素漢堡. 看看我們選出的最佳牛肉替代品清單, 它們不只美味, 還少了膽固醇跟對動物的殘酷虐殺.
Top 10 Reasons Not to Eat Cows

Help Your Health by Leaving Cows Alone
Eating beef products, which are loaded with artery-clogging cholesterol and saturated fat, is a good way to increase both your waistline and your chances of developing impotence and diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and asthma. Research has shown that vegetarians are 50 percent less likely to develop heart disease than are meat-eaters, and they have 40 percent of the cancer rate of meat-eaters. Plus, meat-eaters are nine times more likely to be obese than vegans are. Every time you eat animal-derived products, you’re also ingesting bacteria, antibiotics, dioxins, hormones, and a host of other substances, some toxic, that can accumulate in your body and remain there for years. Learn more about how consuming animal products affects your health.
Cows Are Too Nice to Eat
Cows are gentle, social animals. Each cow has the ability to recognize more than 100 other cows, and they form close friendships with members of their herd. Researchers report that cows grieve when their friends or family members die. Learn more about cows’ personalities and some of their amazing feats.
Even Cowboys Don’t Eat Cows Anymore
Howard Lyman was a fourth-generation cattle rancher who became vegan after learning about the effects of factory farming—he now tours the country promoting a vegetarian diet. Other tough guys who refuse to eat animals include hip-hop legends Andre 3000 and Mos Def, actors Tobey Maguire and Joaquin Phoenix, NFL superstar Ricky Williams, and Olympian Carl Lewis.
Hormones: It’s What’s for Dinner
To make cows grow at an unnaturally fast rate, the cattle industry implants them with pellets full of hormones. While low levels of naturally occurring hormones are found in various foods, many scientists are concerned that the artificial hormones injected into cows cause health problems in people who eat them. The Los Angeles Times reports that confidential industry reports have found extremely high levels of estradiol, “a potent cancer-causing and gene-damaging estrogen,” in meat products from cows treated with the hormone. According to the Times, “[T]he amount of estradiol in two hamburgers eaten in one day by an 8-year-old boy could increase his total hormone levels by as much as 10% ….” Learn more about meat and hormones.
Torture 101
Cattle are subjected to abuses that would warrant felony cruelty-to-animals charges if they were committed against dogs or cats. Cows have their horns sliced off; they are branded, which causes excruciating third-degree burns; and males are castrated. This is all done without any painkillers. They are injected full of hormones and confined to overcrowded, dusty feedlots for months. Then they are shipped without food or water to the slaughterhouse, where a metal rod is shot through their brains and they are hung upside-down and have their throats slit. Because line speeds are so fast, many of the animals are still conscious throughout the process. Learn more about cows in factory farms and slaughterhouses.
Stealing Food From the Poor
It is inefficient to grow grains and other feed crops for animals—only a fraction of what we feed them is actually turned into flesh that humans can eat. The vast majority is used by the animal to live and grow. The highly respected Worldwatch Institute says, “In a world where an estimated one in every six people goes hungry each day, the politics of meat consumption are increasingly heated, since meat production is an inefficient use of grain—the grain is used more efficiently when consumed directly by humans. Continued growth in meat output is dependent on feeding grain to animals, creating competition for grain between affluent meat-eaters and the world’s poor.” Learn how you can help fight world hunger by going vegetarian.
Amazing Escapes
Millions of cows are killed in slaughterhouses each year in the United States. The few who manage to escape pull off some amazing feats. A cow named Emily got away from a Massachusetts slaughterhouse, leapt over a 5-foot gate, and survived for several weeks in the woods during the New England winter before she was rescued. A pregnant cow named Suzie was being loaded onto a freighter when she ran back down the gangplank, leapt into the river, and swam across. She eluded capture before being rescued by PETA and taken to a sanctuary. And Molly, a cow from Montana, recently escaped, crossing the Missouri River before finally being caught. While all three of these cows touched their communities’ hearts so much that they were released to sanctuaries, the millions of nameless cows killed by the meat industry each year aren’t so lucky.
Filthy Air, Toxic Water
Factory farms and feedlots produce a staggering amount of feces that pollutes both the water and the air. Stored in massive lagoons, the manure seeps into nearby rivers and streams, killing fish and ruining the quality of the water. The feces also emit harmful chemicals and microorganisms into the air. Numerous studies and governmental reports have shown higher rates of miscarriages, respiratory problems, and neurological diseases among people who live near factory farms. Learn more about how factory farms are harming rural America.
It’s Mad to Eat Meat
Mad cow disease is already in the United States, and the U.S. government is not following World Health Organization recommendations for ensuring that it doesn’t spread. While Japan and all Europe countries have banned the feeding of animal protein to farmed animals, the practice continues across the board in the U.S. meat industry, which is just begging for a “mad chicken,” a “mad pig,” or some other variant of the disease in the U.S. meat supply. Because it takes years for the disease to show up in humans, there’s no way of knowing how many Americans have already been infected. Amazingly, the U.S. government still refuses to take the problem seriously. In 2005, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) tested less than 1 percent of U.S. cows for the disease. Unbelievably, even though the third case of mad cow disease in the United States was found in 2006, the USDA announced that it is scaling back this testing.
It’s Easy to Be Kind
Leaving cows and other animals off your plate is easier than ever. You can now get tasty veggie burgers at numerous restaurants, including Burger King, Johnny Rockets, and Ruby Tuesday. Check out our favorite beef substitutes, all of which are delicious and cholesterol- and cruelty-free.