1. 拍掌彈指Zen〝wake-up〞
2. 佛龕手印Buddha Shrine
3. 蓮花手印Lotus Mudra
4. 金剛合掌手印Vajra Mudra
5. 平等手印Equanimity Mudra
6. 金剛勾手印~召請手印Vajra Hook Mudra
7. 供養手印Mandala Offering
8. 蓮花童子手印Dharma teaching
9. 法界定印Boundary Mudra
10. 阿彌陀佛定印Amitabha Meditation
11. 觀世音菩薩Avalokitesvara
12. 地藏王菩薩Ksitigarbha〈pearl holding〉
13.準提佛母Maha Cundi
14. 黃財神Yellow Jambala
15. 蓮花生大士Padmasambhava〈Guru Rinpoche〉
16. 蓮花童子Dharma teaching
17. 藥師佛Medicine Buddha
18.瑤金母手印Golden Mother of Primordial Pond
19.施食手印~三山印、劍印Mudra of food blessing〈water〉
20.大海超度印Rebirth~Great Ocean Of Liberation
21.金剛杵Vajra Dagger
22.金剛網Vajra Net
23.金剛牆Vajra Wall
24.點火Lighting Fire
25.金剛火網Quadruple Magical Boundary
26.四重結界~金剛杵Vajra Dagger
〈demonstarting how to apply in one action,the four seal mudra〉
27.四重結界~金剛網Vajra Net
〈demonstarting how to apply in one action,the four seal mudra〉
28.四重結界~點火Lighting Fire
〈demonstarting how to apply in one action,the four seal mudra〉
29. 四重結界~金剛火網Quadruple Magic Boundary
〈demonstarting how to apply in one action,the four seal mudra〉