正見與修行 (二) 海濤 輯
Right View Vs Spiritual Practice (II)
Compiled by Ven. Hai Tao
1. At times, even when a practitioner has a strong faith and devotion to Buddha-dharma, he will still be subjected to great difficulties for lack of the proper views.
2. Therefore, once our proper views have been established, we should endeavor to put them into practice. We need to apply the right views and spiritual practice to our daily behavior, movements and activities.
3. When we are able to internalize the right views, the meditation and conducts as part of our life, our mind can then remain in a state of clarity and awakening all the time.
4. Failure to integrate our spiritual practice with our everyday life reveals that all the efforts we make in the prayer room are in vain and only a pretense. Instead of wasting our time, we should engage in the integration of our practices and our daily life.
5. To relinquish misconduct, we need spiritual energy from our practices, to get rid of delusion, we need to replace it with good conducts.
6. Our failure to see our own true nature causes us to form a dualistic concept of self and others, from which arise all the good and bad actions (or karma). All these actions will increasingly become our imprints, which will be stored in our Basic consciousness (the Alaya).
7. The accumulated imprints will bring about the fruition of our karmic results, which will reversely deepen the negative imprints of our body, speech and mind.
8. The fact is that the True Mind will do neither good nor bad; good and bad are just created by causes and conditions.
9. Virtuous deeds is the cure for all negative karma, but in terms of the ultimate truth, the True Mind transcends or detaches itself from the dualistic notion of good and bad.
10. Emptiness is the true nature of the mind, but the mind also possesses a quality of all-pervasive luminosity at the same time.
11. Unable to recognize the true nature of the mind, we conceived a “self” and identified with it, believing the “self” to be a substantial entity. As a result, we cling to the misconception that everything in the external world is real.
12. Buddhism doesn’t regard the relative truth and absolute truth as two separate entities. In fact, it is our discrimination that brings about the separation.
13. We firmly grasp the idea that “self” and “others” are separate and opposite so that we try to hold on to everything and consider them real and substantial.
14. Ignorance of the empty nature and clarity of the mind leads to our discrimination and dualism; ignorance of the true nature of our own mind brings about our delusion and endless wanderings in the samsara.