Buddha established that bhiksus should cherish Five Contemplations at meal time. A wandering mind and rambling words hardly deserve bestowal from the faithful. A Bhiksu should contemplate:
1. To count the amount of merit and appraise the sources.
2. To assess his own virutes, whether perfect or deficient to deserve the bestowal.
3. To guard his mind against faults, greed in particular.
4. To have the right things and good medicine for curing the weakening body.
5. To receive this food in order to accomplish spiritual work.
1. 計功多少,量彼來處 (一砵之飯。作夫汗流。)
2. 忖己德行,全缺應供 (缺則不易。全乃可受。)
3. 防心離過,貪等為宗 (離此三過。貪嗔癡也。)
4. 正事良藥,為療形枯 (飢渴病故。須食為藥。)
5. 為成道業,方受此食 (不食成病。道業何從。)
五觀若明金易化。三心未了水難消。要常存慚愧心。莫失正念。聞聲悟道。見色明心。不要 心外見鬼。各存正念者。一聲磬念一聲佛也。不說人我是非。散心雜話。施主一粒米。大如 須彌山。若不自了道。披毛戴角還。修因感果如種田。水養禾苗。如智水潤心田。能念念在 道。則處處都是道場。善用心者。心田不長無明草。處處常開智慧花。既然人身已得。佛法 已聞。就要努力修行。勿空過日。