Life Foundation and Life Tv
Promulgate the Three Vehicles of Buddha’s teachings. Uphold the Triple Jewels and benefit all sentient beings.
As a great information integration platform for all Ven. Hai Tao’s missions, Life TV has received enthusiastic response from the audience since it launched in January 2004. The 24-hour Dharma promulgation programs can be received in every part of Taiwan now.
Harboring a devotional reverence for the Triple Jewels and love for sentient beings, Ven. Hai Tao hopes to integrate Buddhism with the times, making it closer to the society through the far-reaching television, so that Buddha’s teachings and the value of life can be widely transmitted.
In order to effectively integrate and make use of every coin of the contributions so the resources can be allocated at their best, Ven. Hai Tao eagerly started out on the organization of Life Communication Culture Foundation (Life Foundation) in 2003. It took great complications and efforts and involved a great deal of material investment to finally have it established in early 2006.
It is Life foundation’s major work to help with the operation of Life TV, which includes film purchase, television Dharma promulgation, the expansion of related equipments as well as the production and broadcasting of programs.
Life Foundation’s objective: “Promulgate the Three Vehicles of Buddha’s teachings. Uphold the Triple Jewels and benefit all sentient beings.” Harboring a devotional reverence for the Triple Jewels and love for sentient beings, Ven. Hai Tao hopes to integrate Buddhism with the times, making it closer to the society through the far-reaching television, so that Buddha’s teachings and the value of life can be widely transmitted.
Setting its keynote on life care, Life TV carefully designs every program to pass on the notion of love and the care for life. Life TV intends to get through to all sentient beings via modern technology, hoping that a great pure civil way place can be established to transmit Buddha’s compassion and to instill the notion of respect and love for life in the public. Dharma teaching is always there for the audience to tune in to. In the interests of immersing each family in the virtuousness of Buddhism via the influential television, Life TV broadcasts Dharma teaching by dignitaries and good spiritual advisors, plus programs that invite the audience’s participation, such as TV sutra reading class, Open Buddhist Institute, and so on.
Besides broadcasting the orthodox Buddhist programs and advocating the values of no killing, life release, Buddha-remembrance and vegetarianism, Life TV also serves as the great information integration platform for all Ven. Hai Tao’s missions. Life TV has been responded to enthusiastically by the audience since it launched in January 2004. The 24-hour Dharma teaching programs can be received in every part of Taiwan now. And the overseas broadcast includes regions and countries like the eastern part of Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Burma, Cambodia, Singapore, Brunei, Mainland China, Macao, Korea, Japan and Australia, etc. Through 24-hour broadcast, Life TV intends to allow all of the sentient beings, visible or invisible, to benefit from the Dharma teaching.
The establishment of Life Foundation announced its independence of the co-account with Love for Life Association. With its own fund, Life Foundation is hoping to continually gather the public donation in a more stable and accredited way so as to ensure a sustainable operation of a non-profit TV station.
Buddhism should not detach itself from the secular world. Life TV is aiming at merging Buddha’s teachings with the life of the public and pushing them on with learning about love, understanding, tolerance, self-purifying and loving all, so as to elevate the public’s spiritual level and to bathe the world in Bodhisattvas’ nectar. We strongly recommend all our audience to inform the local cable TV agent about your wish to watch Life TV to strive for your own reception right. Let’s work together to sustain this pure, compassionate channel and to make Life TV the mass public TV station.
~ 廣傳佛陀三乘法.護持三寶利有情 ~
生命電視台除了播放高僧大德和善知識們講經說法節目之外,我們還有更多親近信眾生活的節目,如:成立電視讀經班、建立空中佛學院等,期待能將佛法善良風氣藉由電視媒體傳播的影響力深入每一個家庭。 除了播出各類正信佛教節目、宣揚「戒殺、放生、念佛、吃素」等理念外,生命電視台也是海濤法師志業體訊息整合的大平台,自2004年元月開播以來,獲得信眾熱烈迴響,目前全台灣各地都可以收看到全天候二十四小時的弘法節目。除了在台灣地區播放,海外可收視地區更包括了:東馬來西亞、印尼、泰國、越南、菲律賓、緬甸、柬埔寨、新加坡、汶萊、中國大陸、澳門、韓國、日本、澳洲等地。
除了有情眾生,生命電視台二十四小時的播放就是希望能利益法界一切眾生,讓有形無形的眾生都能同霑法益。 生命基金會的成立,讓原本與護生協會共同帳戶的資金得以獨立運作、專款專用,期能以更穩定、更具公信的方式,繼續廣集大眾護持的力量,讓生命電視台純公益、不營利的發展走向能持續落實。
護持生命志業體 海內外護持帳號