

正見與修行 ()    海濤 
Right View Vs Spiritual Practice (I)
Compiled by Ven. Hai Tao

1. Everything is made from Mind and is a projection of Mind.  But we must not think that it’s useless to accumulate merits and to eliminate afflictions.


2. We learned the way of practice from right view, and vice versa.  In the beginning, in order to practice in an effective way, we need intellectual comprehension, which then constitutes our viewpoints.


3. The viewpoints presented in the Buddhist doctrine help to boost our cultivation, while cultivation, on the other hand, allows us to acquire true views.


4. “If you have faith in me, my blessings will be omnipresent, everywhere inside or outside the image of the Buddha,” said Buddha Sakyamuni.  Therefore, the blessings will always be where the faith is.


5. A pure motivation is crucial whenever we listened to the teachings of the Buddha.



6. Taking the vessel as an example, we need to avoid being one of the three defective vessels while listening to the Dharma:

(1) An upside-down one: If we are scatter-minded to the teachings, we are like an upside-down vessel which is unable to receive anything that is poured in.

(2) A leaky one: If we are careless about what the Dharma conveys, we are like a leaky vessel that can’t hold what it contains.

(3) A contaminated one: If our mind is saturated with afflictions and delusions, we are like a vessel that contains poison—everything poured in is about to be poisoned.

7. The real aim of spiritual practice is to eliminate sufferings, to relieve all sentient beings from their pain and to lead them to the ultimate Enlightenment without sufferings.


8. The right view and the right method for practice are what we need if we want to eradicate the sufferings of all sentient beings as well as ours; and to guide them to the state of ultimate enlightenment.


9. The case is that we frequently drown ourselves in sufferings. This is because we are deluded and lack of a true knowledge of the ultimate truth—the real nature of all phenomena.

10. To dispel all these delusions, we must in the first place understand the viewpoints conveyed in the Dharma; we must also know what the cultivation is all about and its practice.  Only when we are sufficiently equipped with the right views can we achieve the Buddhahood, and the bases of actualizing the Buddha nature are indeed no other than the right views, right meditation and right conducts.


11. Whatever practice we do, a conception of its viewpoints is primary.  With the right views, we can then practice in the proper way in our daily life.






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